Host an event

Suggestions for how to plan and implement a VAST Awareness/Fundraising Event.

  • We recommend forming a team and delegating responsibilities.  If you have questions or needs, please do not hesitate to contact a member of VAST’s leadership team at

Choose Location: local restaurant, church, public venue, your OWN home

Types of formats:

    • Film screening —Very young girls or Sex & Money
    • Dinner with speaker
    • Dessert Bar and mini presentation on human trafficking and VAST
    • Hold a book discussion using a book on the issue of human trafficking
    • Prayer Walk/Candlelight Vigil—Plan a prayer walk in your community bringing awareness that human trafficking happens in every community
    • Plan a brown-bag lunch time discussion at your workplace, sharing with your colleagues about the issue of human trafficking.
    • Concert/ Benefit show
    • Make a traveling mural focusing on victims of human trafficking. (This is a great way to get your youth involved.) Create it and then arrange for it to be on display at various places a church, the public library, or town hall in your community for a week could also be accompanied by an informational display on the issue.
    • These are just suggestions. Be creative! Use your interests and skills to bring awareness.

During the event:

    • Utilize content from Training outline
    • Have a “Question and Answer” time
    • Hand out “Ways to take action” flyer
    • Introduce the group to VAST & its mission.  Explain that all costs and additional donations will go towards operational expenses of VAST.
    • Invite individuals to VAST coalition meeting and to sign up for email listserv
    • Write letters to your local and state government, the editor to your local newspaper on the issue or write a guest commentary on the issue for the paper.

Consider possible needs: projector and screen

Contact VAST if a speaker or representative is needed.

Seek donations for food items.  (Obtain letter from VAST for tax deductible receipt)

Create prices for event and price for food items to support local anti-trafficking initiatives

Raffle donated items

Obtain VAST literature/resources to supply at the event.

    • Polaris Project Hotline Poster
    • VAST brochure, postcards, business cards
    • Sign-up sheet for VAST newsletter
    • Informative brochures about human trafficking

Decide how to invite/promote event

    • Contact VAST leadership to promote on website and Facebook.
    • Create a Facebook event/promotional flyer and have friends/family/coalition members distribute and promote.  (Please contact VAST if you would like a template)