What Do These Have in Common?
A young professional utilizes his graphic design skills to create a logo and promotional materials.
A middle-aged woman spends an hour putting logo labels on distribution materials.
A local business woman offers her coffee shop for regular awareness nights with the topic of sex trafficking
A college student is spurred to action and initiates a film viewing and panel discussion on her local college campus.
A community member attends a film night on Sex Trafficking in the United States. The next morning she spots a suspicious ad in the classified section of Craigslist. Instead of overlooking it and shaking her head in disgust or resigned helplessness, she forwards it on to a coalition leader who then passes it on to local authorities.
These are some of countless examples of individuals who are using their gifts, skills or spheres of influence to make a difference…taking action in the Lehigh Valley in seemingly small, but corporately significant ways. A unified response is an effective response against human trafficking!
How Will You Take Action?
- Become educated: Use the resource page to learn more about trafficking through websites, books, articles, and documentaries.
- Hold an awareness event for friends, neighbors or coworkers:
- Attend an event: Come to a community VAST coalition meeting or go to one of them any events being held in the valley.
- Go to End Slavery .This initiative provides a thorough website that gives action ideas for all types of indiv
iduals, complete with educational materials.
- Post theNational Trafficking Hotline
- Give: Local and Global organizations can continue their efforts with our monetary donations.
- Support legislation and contact legislators: Polaris Project
Melissa Farley, a researcher and author on prostitution and sex trafficking has stated: “Once you know the truth you can’t keep silent. Silence is complicity and you are then a part of the problem.” We are responsible for our knowledge. The mission of VAST coalition is to equip and mobilize individuals towards prevention, awareness, action and aftercare efforts. We are thankful for each of you. We look forward to witnessing and reporting monthly how various individuals take initiative in their unique ways.