
VAST offers trainings and presentations about sex trafficking for professional development to organizations in the Lehigh Valley.  Click  HERE for a list of trainings we provide.  For more information or to schedule a training please email




    • “Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress” by Melissa Farley – This book discusses how human trafficking can be looked at through an interpersonal lens.
    • Girls like us” by Rachel Lloyd-   This book deals with the commercial exploitation aspect of human trafficking. It gives specific instances of woman and children involved in the trafficking/prostitution industry.
    • “Somebody’s Daughter:  The Hidden Story of America’s Prostituted Children and the Battle to Save Them ”  by Julian Sher –  This book effectively shows the endless struggle between the victims of trafficking and those who want to save them.
    • “Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Women and Children” by Kathryn Farr – This book shows what human trafficking looks like on a global scale. This book not only focuses on the victims, but on the other actors involved in this issue as well as organizations and issues dealing with the occurrence of human trafficking.
    • “The Natashas : Inside the New Global Sex Trade” by  Victor Malarek –“Natashas” is a term used for women and children involved with the trafficking/prostitution realm in russia. This book is another example of showing why, where and how this issue is taking place.
    • The U.S. Department of State paper, “How Can I Recognize Trafficking Victims?”  – This resource is useful to everyone (Not just people in third world countries). Human Trafficking does not descriminate race, age, or gender. Recognizing tips for trafficking victims can potentially save you or a loved one.
    • “Hands that Heal: International Curriculum” FAAST International – This is material for an organization that is faith based and works to fight against human trafficking.
    • “Embracing and Aching Heart: Addressing the Horrors of Human Trafficking” by Jennifer Brooks – This resource focuses on the hard issues associated with human trafficking.
    • “Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World” by Gary Haugen- This book is an example of how a community (in this case a religious community) can work together to stand up to human trafficking and fight the issue.
    • “Woman, Child for Sale: The New SLave Trade in the 21st Century” by Gilbert King-  This resource talks about human trafficking today. The author gives specific accounts of women and their stories looking for a way to support themselves, their families, and everyone survival.
    • “The Sacred Bath: An American Teen’s Story of Modern Day Slavery” by Theresa Flores-  This book shows a teen’s perspective with trafficking.
    • “Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective” by Louise Shelley-  This book gives an international perspective of areas affected by trafficking all around the world. Shelley talks about prosecution protection and prevention of trafficking in all of these areas.
    • United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking: E-Book online – Free Gives an Overview of Human Trafficking-  This is a useful resource to help get a general understanding of what human trafficking really is.


    • Not my life” –  This movie is a documentary shows various people around the world affected by human trafficking through an international range.
    • “Sex and Money” – A movie about what photo journalists really see when capturing similar shocking events from all around the world dealing with two specific themes: sex and money.
    • Very Young Girls” – This movie takes a closer look into the eyes of girls involved with human trafficking at very young ages.
    • “Beneath the Surface” – 
    • The Making of a Girl” – 
    • “Nefarious” – A documentary that showcases and unveils the shape that trafficking has taken and gives true accounts to show the business the transactions and the work at hand in the realm of human trafficking.
    • “Red Leaves Falling” –  This movie is more of a cartoon that gives a story of a family affected by sex trafficking. Essentially they sign up to go to work without knowing their true destination for “work”
    • “Muro Ami” –  This documentary features another form of trafficking: Forced Labor. This documentary takes place in the Phillipines and shows the struggle that the young men face while working on the fishing boats.
    • “Bought and Sold”  – This movie gets the inside scoop from all parties involved in the business of trafficking. From the victims all the way to the pimps.
    • “Redlight” – This movie is based on one of the main districts for trafficking – the redlight district.
    • “Call + Response” – A movie that shows trafficking on a community/organizational level of conflict.
    • “Lives for Sale” – This movie showcases the risks people are willing to take to be able to cross the boarder and find a new and better life.
    • “Born into Brothels” – This documentary shows the lives of the children who grow up in the brothels. LArge groups of children play while their mothers “work.” Eventually, they get involved in the family business as well.